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12th-14th September 2022

Youth Delegation to Brussels_Instagram.jpg





Following on from the success of the Cities of Faith: Future European Leaders Programme CFCF is organising a youth delegation to Brussels where participants will get the chance to meet with policymakers and civil society actors working at the intersection of interfaith, politics and community action across Europe.


This will include the opportunity to meet with representatives from the EU and organisations like:

EAPN (European Anti-Poverty Network)

ENAR (European Network Against Racism)

ENAAT (European Network Against the Arms Trade)

QCEA (Quaker Council of European Affairs)

ODIHR (Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights)

JRS (Jesuit Refugee Service) Europe

CEJI (A Jewish Contribution to an Inclusive Europe)

CEC (Conference of European Churches)


Participants will receive bed & breakfast accommodation in the centre of Brussels at the Institute for Cultural Affairs Belgium (ICAB)



















The scheme is open to 18-25 year olds.


The fee is £300 with discounts available for CFCF members.


To apply

click the link and fill out the form.




For any further inquiries please email



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